Kakumiro Mwitanzige Distribution

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Kakumiro Mwitanzige Distribution

Kakumiro Mwitanzige Distribution



This Lifewater Village Project distribution was held on 14-16th January 2020, at Mwitanzige Faith Church, Kakumiro District, Uganda. The Lifewater team and the Kakumiro Africa Youth Award (AYA) team worked together throughout the distribution, commencing with good mobilisation and sensitisation of the recipients. The beneficiaries kept good time, even though they had a long wait for the team on one of the days due to a vehicle breakdown on route. All of them had prepared proper stands for the Lifewater systems out of wood or metal. Over three days in Mwitanzige, 125 households and two local schools received Lifewater systems


Those who attended the workshops were so happy, thanking God for using the AALL Foundation to extend to them the opportunity to drink safe and clean water.

Local government leaders and church representatives, in their speeches, showed appreciation to the Lifewater team and also to the AALL foundation for supplying these systems to their area. An added request was for more support for other nearby villages as many of their water sources were also contaminated.


On the second day in Mwitanzige an evaluation meeting and training had been organised for the Africa Youth Award members who participate in the ongoing monitoring programme. The Lifewater team leader, Caleb Kabaho, commended them for the awesome work they were doing and encouraged them to keep going. This is one of several AYA groups across Uganda, where young people engage in the Lifewater activities as part of their ‘Community Service’ section of the Award.